Working to improve mutual understanding between the Middle East and the West


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Thu, 18 November 2021 – 17:00 GMT Organised by the University of Edinburgh, the online launch of Hijab: Three Modern Iranian Seminarian Perspectives featured a conversation… more
The Jordan  Workshop was an online workshop held on 29 May 2021 at 4pm, with participants aged between 20 and 40 from Jordan discussing the Arab Uprisings and its impact on their… more
The third in a series of workshops on the Arab Spring: 10 Years On was held on Saturday, March 27, with participants joining from Algeria, Lebanon, Sudan and Tunisia For almost… more
The second in a series of workshops on the Arab Spring: 10 Years On was held on Saturday, February 27, with participants joining from Algeria, Lebanon, Sudan and Tunisia For… more
The first in a series of workshops on the Arab Spring: 10 Years On was held on Saturday, January 30, with participants joining from Algeria, Lebanon, Sudan and Tunisia For almost… more
The Dean and Chapter of Westminster and Gingko in collaboration with Embrace the Middle East and the Christian Muslim Forum hosted a dialogue on CHRISTMAS AND THE… more